Sunday, September 23, 2007

Wearing Suits vs. Stuffing Bears

Friday I went to Possible Employer's to fill out the in-store application. I ended up going alone because Nana cancelled her doctor's appointment and rescheduled for Monday. I was kind of angry because I like having everything planned out and that totally messed everything up. Plus, no one bothered to wake me up, even though I had asked. Remember what my mom says- things happen for a reason.

I went to the store and into the costomer services place. I had to wait while the nice lady went to check on the system- apparently it had gone down once that day, but luckily it was working fine now. So I sat down and went about filling it out. I go to the questionair bit and was more than half way through (95 questions, wtf?), and it CRASHED. I don't just mean the computer I was on. No. Their WHOLE SYSTEM went down, time-clocks and all. *sighs* She told me to come back on Monday- that's when the floor manager would be back anyway. Haha, and I'll be in Asheville tomorrow anyway XD

Well, I figured since I was in the mall, I'd wander about for a bit. I went to the bookstore, but they didn't have ANY of the Dresden Files. 'Cept White Knight, but I'm not that far yet. I went back downstairs and waddled about until I saw that the new Build A Bear Workshop is open :D I was excited because I've never actually been in one before. So I went in while I was on the phone with my mom, telling her about the computer problems. She told me to see if BABW was hiring, half joking. After I hung up, I asked for an application lol. They were hiring! So I filled that out, which took well over an hour from having to call everyone and their mom for references. I want you to know that the only two people that I could get a hold of have only known me for four years...the minimum for the app was 5. Friends lieing for you = priceless. I turned it in to the very-hot-and-way-out-of-my-league-and-not-my-type-but-still-friggin-hot-guy at the counter and made my way out of the mall.

After that I ploddled over to the Books-A-Mil and bought Blood Rites cuz ya know...Harry Dresden. Then I went over to the B and N because the Books-A-Mil didn't have Seeing Redd. I got my copy of that along with part of Aarin's birthday present.

Let me tell you right now, the book was AWESOME. I can't wait until the third one comes out next month- Though I'm pretty sure that's the last one. Oh! There's still the graphic novel to read (I can only order it from the author's site though T_T), and then there's the art book and they're making all of the books (and the comic) into either one movie or a trilogy, I'm not sure. God I want to see Hatter's fighting scenes, YOU HAVE NO IDEA! This is what he looks like in the comic. Isn't the artwork interesting? Go here and checkout the official site for the series. Seriously, the pictures are perdy in an odd sort of way. And there are trailers for the books XD Which I find amusing.

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